Enjoy free express delivery to the US with DHL Express with all custom duties and taxes included. Delivery time: 2-4 Business Days.
We ship worldwide from our warehouse in Sweden without an US counterpart. This means that every order valued over $250 must have an Importer Number associated with it. This means you will be required to provide your company's EIN (Employer Identification Number) if you are importing for a U.S.-based business, or your SSN (Social Security Number) if you are importing as yourself for personal consumption. As required by US Customs regulation [19 CFR §111.24], please rest assured that such information is kept confidential and encrypted by LISA YANG and DHL Express and must not be shared with any party other than US Customs and Border Protection.
Please note that these custom checks are outside our control and can cause that your order will be delivered slightly later than originally quoted.
If you are purchasing from another country than the US, simply navigate to your region via the currency selector in the top banner menu to discover available shipping options and delivery times.
Please note:
* We're unable to cancel an order once it has left our warehouse.
* The return shipping cost is non-refundable for returns. Discover our full returns policy here.
* Your order may get randomly selected by the US Customs and Border Protection for further investigation. If so, you will get contacted via email by DHL Express US if they need any information from your end to deliver your order. Please note that these checks are outside our control and can cause that your order will be delivered slightly later than originally quoted.
Where there is a delay in the supply of goods you have ordered, we will advise you as soon as possible. If the goods cannot be delivered within 30 days of your order, we will notify you of this delay and you may either cancel your order or agree to a further delivery time with us.
Please also note that your order can get randomly selected by US Customs and Border Protection. These customs checks are outside our control and can imply that your order will be delivered slightly later than originally quoted.
Taxes and duties within the US
We ship on a DDP basis to the US, which means that all relevant taxes and duties will be included in your final purchase price. For orders to the rest of the world, local taxes and duties may apply. Please contact your local custom institution for more information.
Unclaimed shipments
If you do not collect your parcel or provide DHL with needed information upon request, the package will be returned to us. Please note that we charge -30 USD for unclaimed shipments.